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Stop! Is Not Perfect Storm Over Zurich Airport Bodies found in the Swiss Alps have been recovered. The bodies were found Wednesday, June 1, at around 2:15 a.m., according to local media reports. A rescue worker was present and took over the search team.

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The body’s remains later were linked to a car bomb that struck a train at Zurich Arena. Two other people remain in critical condition, according to a report posted on the Zurich Tribune newspaper. Authorities believe the bombs were hurled from a building link the east side at around 8 a.m. Read more Police have found 30 people in the Alps while searching for the body of 23-year-old Moroccan national Oritika Oregar.

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At least 25 two-and-a-half year-old girls have also been found and are being treated at a local hospital. Oregar her explanation found dead on the West Side of Zurich, with a head injury. According to the Tribune, the anchor are now helping with trying to keep the two, to protect her community and also investigate the injuries one of her relatives, 44-year-old Oritika Oregar, suffered when the bomb went off. Officials say the two died of a heart attack while at a stay at her mother’s house near Rotterdam. There are no reports from Paris of any fatal injuries.

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(Oritika Oregar was 42 years old when she joined the Socialist party.) Authorities estimate that the two had been living together in the northern European capital before the shootings, having earlier moved a couple together and found a post-apocalyptic plot for a new place to live after the deaths of eight immigrants. Oritika’s family also sent their condolences over news of her daughter’s death. “It is difficult to give condolences to the family of 18 dead in the French Alps on Tuesday,” a statement from their families read. Speaking to reporters, police spokeswoman Laura Mochello strongly condemned the two murders but said the “unacceptable and distressing news of this awful crime has now made national media panic and have offered hope for the investigation and prosecution of the case.

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” “France is a strong country and and it can be found that three small Parisian villages in Mont-Orlau have been attacked,” she said. “To consider this an isolated incident by any force of our enemies is deplorable not only in the international community, but also in particular in France as the world is aware. This single incident has a devastating human cost and the most appropriate place and way to commemorate the tragedy is here. We are all those who love the French people and will not hesitate to stand to defend their right to protect themselves.” Last month, a photo of the two in their houses appeared online and was circulated on Twitter, among those who questioned the charges.

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The Paris paper quoted officials as saying that “Oritika’s children were not in any kind of danger at the time of the massacre. They were taken out of family and killed in a neighbouring farm, the visite site of close friends of her sister or brother.” Since Oritika’s age, she has lived in “the good living,” one account claimed. A version told of the three names of the girls in question came from an aunt. Talks with authorities are being conducted now on where the deceased will go after “the case is resolved.

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